GrandCh, VetCh, PTCh Angelusparks Elsa's Eternal Bliss TAN, PVW19, LVW197th April 2010 - 6th December 2022
How do we say goodbye?Yesterday Bliss gained her wings, gave a final jump, and flew to meet her mum and brother again. We felt her last breath and were left with a broken heart, but at the same time, we have an immensely grateful heart.Grateful that she was born in our home, grateful for twelve and a half healthy, amazing years with her, grateful for her happy, sweet, cheeky, energetic, loving, smart, kind way, and grateful for the babies she gave us, grateful for the way she always looked at us… so loving. She was a partner, a good friend that was always by our side, and always willing to try different things with us.How do we say goodbye? We don’t. You will always live in our hearts.
GrandCh, VetCh, PTCh Angelusparks Elsa's Eternal Bliss TAN, PVW19, LVW197th April 2010 - 6th December 2022
How do we say goodbye?Yesterday Bliss gained her wings, gave a final jump, and flew to meet her mum and brother again. We felt her last breath and were left with a broken heart, but at the same time, we have an immensely grateful heart.Grateful that she was born in our home, grateful for twelve and a half healthy, amazing years with her, grateful for her happy, sweet, cheeky, energetic, loving, smart, kind way, and grateful for the babies she gave us, grateful for the way she always looked at us… so loving. She was a partner, a good friend that was always by our side, and always willing to try different things with us.How do we say goodbye? We don’t. You will always live in our hearts.

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* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:12a Prova do Camp. Nac. de Agility, Paio Pires, SeixalOrg.: Off LeashData: 13NOV22
Class.: 2° Lugar Geral.1° Lugar 2a manga c/EXC 0Passagem para Grau 2 depois do 3° EXC 0.Juiz: Hugo Santos (PT)
Class.: 2° Lugar Geral.1° Lugar 2a manga c/EXC 0Passagem para Grau 2 depois do 3° EXC 0.Juiz: Hugo Santos (PT)

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Halloween exhibition in Kelč, judge: Lenka Frnčová
B&HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1, class winner, finally Regional Winner
B&HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1, class winner, finally Regional Winner
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
8ª Prova do Camp. Nacional de Agility 2022/2023
Data: 16OUT22
Org.: Clube de Agility do Tejo
1º Lugar da 2ª manga & EXC 0Classif. 1º Lugar da Geral
8ª Prova do Camp. Nacional de Agility 2022/2023
Data: 16OUT22
Org.: Clube de Agility do Tejo
1º Lugar da 2ª manga & EXC 0Classif. 1º Lugar da Geral
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:3a Prova do Camp. Nac. de Agility 2022/2023, 01OUT22Local: Abrantes
3° Class. GeralJuiz: Ivan Arnez Alvarez (ESP)
3° Class. GeralJuiz: Ivan Arnez Alvarez (ESP)
Regional exhibition of all breeds, Kelč, Judge: MVDr. Joseph NosekB&HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:
- V1, Class Winner, BIS 3 working
Club special exhibition of retrievers Ve Úké UlanyB&HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:Judge: Martin O' Donoghue, IRLClass of champions: V1, CAC, VŠV,BOS
IDS Maastricht 17-09-2022
Judge Hans StigtNJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries:
-3rd Open Class
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
2ª Prova do Campeonato Nacional de Agility 2022/2023Organização: O Cãogurus (Data: 11-09-2022) Classificação AG1: 1ºClassificação AG2: 1ºClassificação geral: 1º Juiz: Sérgio de Sousa
2ª Prova do Campeonato Nacional de Agility 2022/2023Organização: O Cãogurus (Data: 11-09-2022) Classificação AG1: 1ºClassificação AG2: 1ºClassificação geral: 1º Juiz: Sérgio de Sousa
New Zealand, Judge: Mark Lawrence (NZ)
* PPW19 NZCh Angelusparks V Making Magic to Arangold prop. Margaret & David Hean: - Best of Breed and Best Open of Group
* PPW19 NZCh Angelusparks V Making Magic to Arangold prop. Margaret & David Hean: - Best of Breed and Best Open of Group

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NVP Olomouc, Judge: Petr ŘehánekB&HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: 1st Excellent Working Class
Gundogshow 2022, judge Bart van Maren
NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries: -1st Excellent in Open Class
NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries: -1st Excellent in Open Class
Bosnia and Herzegovina dog shows, Great Kladu CAC 2x, CACIB 2x
ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:Saturday: V1, CAC ,BOS..V1, CAC, RCACIBSunday: V1, CAC..V1, CAC,CACIB, BOB
And now she has won two new titles:
Bosnia & Herzegovina Champion and Summer Winner 2022
* Angelusparks Heaven Sent to Moloko "Whitney", prop.: Margo Paterson:
YGRC, Judge: Catherine Collins- Reserve in Veteran Class
Driffield ChSh, Judge Carol Henry- VHC in Veteran Class
Driffield ChSh, Judge Carol Henry- VHC in Veteran Class
GRCB Clubshow Belgium 2022, Judge Henric Fryckstrand
NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries: - 4th Excellent ( in 10) in Open class
NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries: - 4th Excellent ( in 10) in Open class
Arad Dog Show 2022, Romania3x CACIB, 2xCAC & Toy Dogs Club Show
* HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - 3x BOB, 5x CAC, 1x BOS, 2x National Champion, 2x CACIB, 1x Res CACIB
Rianka became: - Romania. Champion, Transylvania champion, Romanian Grand Champion and Transylvania Winner
* HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - 3x BOB, 5x CAC, 1x BOS, 2x National Champion, 2x CACIB, 1x Res CACIB
Rianka became: - Romania. Champion, Transylvania champion, Romanian Grand Champion and Transylvania Winner
Slovenia, Rogla show
* HSCH, SKJCH, HJCH, HMPGW Angelusparks II Like an Angel "Tina" prop. Zsuzsanna & Jozsfene Hazafi: 2 X RCAC
* HSCH, SKJCH, HJCH, HMPGW Angelusparks II Like an Angel "Tina" prop. Zsuzsanna & Jozsfene Hazafi: 2 X RCAC
Slovenia, Rogla show, 1st of July 2022, judge Aleš NOVAK - SI
* C.I.E. C.I.B. HPW HJCH HCH HSCH ACH HRSCH HRCH HRGCH ACH W&S Winner Halaszi18, ORC Clubwinner18 Angelusparks IV Je T'aime prop. Gabriele Baumgartner & Angelika Wehrli (Austria): - Best of Breed achieving the last points to become a full:
Slovenian Champion with hunting certificate
* C.I.E. C.I.B. HPW HJCH HCH HSCH ACH HRSCH HRCH HRGCH ACH W&S Winner Halaszi18, ORC Clubwinner18 Angelusparks IV Je T'aime prop. Gabriele Baumgartner & Angelika Wehrli (Austria): - Best of Breed achieving the last points to become a full:
Slovenian Champion with hunting certificate
Lithuanian National Dog Show, Šilutė
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest "Helmi" prop. Nina Koskiaho:
- 25.6.2022 Judge Daiva Rimaityte (LT): BOS veteran
- 26.6.2022 Judge Harto Stockmari (FI): BOB veteran
At 10 years old achieved the final points to Lithuanian Veteran Champion
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest "Helmi" prop. Nina Koskiaho:
- 25.6.2022 Judge Daiva Rimaityte (LT): BOS veteran
- 26.6.2022 Judge Harto Stockmari (FI): BOB veteran
At 10 years old achieved the final points to Lithuanian Veteran Champion
Border of SSRK 220619, Sweden, Judge : Gudrun Brunnström* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: Excellent in Open Class
Agility competition, Judge: Jan Egil Eide ( Norweg)
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
- 3rd Selective test from the Agility National Championship: Os Cãogurus. General Classification: 2nd place, degree 1, with 1 excellent zero
- 4th Selective test from the Agility National Championship: Os Cãogurus. General Classification: 1st place, degree 1
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
- 3rd Selective test from the Agility National Championship: Os Cãogurus. General Classification: 2nd place, degree 1, with 1 excellent zero
- 4th Selective test from the Agility National Championship: Os Cãogurus. General Classification: 1st place, degree 1

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Salvaterra de Magos Specialty Hunting Dog Show,
Breed Judge: Luis Catalan (PT)
Best in Show Veteran Judge: Rui Martins (PT)
* CIE PT/GI CH PT GRCH Angelusparks II I'm On Fire LW16 "Yuki", prop. José & Elisa Fernandes: Exc 1st Veteran Class, BOB Veteran and Best in Show Veteran
* CIE PT/GI CH PT GRCH Angelusparks II I'm On Fire LW16 "Yuki", prop. José & Elisa Fernandes: Exc 1st Veteran Class, BOB Veteran and Best in Show Veteran
SSRK Södra i Bjuv Dag 2, Sweden, judge: Satu Ylä-Mononen* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: Excl 4 ökl
Hamina dog show (Finland), judge: Hilkka Saloha
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest "Helmi" prop.Nina Koskiaho: VET ERI1 SA Vet sert, PN3 and ROP veteran 🏆 🎉
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest "Helmi" prop.Nina Koskiaho: VET ERI1 SA Vet sert, PN3 and ROP veteran 🏆 🎉
Smålands double in Växjö* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: Excellent , second best male
International Dog Show of Elvas, Judge: João Vasco Poças (PT) & International Dig Show of Badajoz, Judge: Andrzej Stępiński (PL)
* CIE PT/GI CH PT GRCH Angelusparks II I'm On Fire LW16 "Yuki", prop. José & Elisa Fernandes: Exc 1st Veteran Class and BOB Veteran
* CIE PT/GI CH PT GRCH Angelusparks II I'm On Fire LW16 "Yuki", prop. José & Elisa Fernandes: Exc 1st Veteran Class and BOB Veteran
Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles, judge: Mrs Debbie Ramsey* IntCh U-Ch Angelusparks Explorador "Alex", prop. Nanci Hannover: Veteran 12+, Best of Show
29th Agility National Championship test 2021/2022. Local: Abrantes. Judge: Jorge Pires* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet" prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes: Segundo classificado, grau 1, standard

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North Canterbury Kennel Association 2022* NZCh Angelusparks IV Making Magic to Arangold "Lisbon" PPW19, prop. Margaret & David Hean: Best of Breed; Best Gundog & Best Open Gundog
Plum Castle Hungary 4xCACIB SHOW* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: Working class: V1 CAC,Mr.Csaba Zsolt Lokodl
17.4.2022Working class: V1 CAC, Mr.Dusan Paunovic
18.4.2022Champion Class:V1 CAC,CACIB,BOS,Mrs.Kim Ramey LeblancRianka became Hungarian Champion
18.4.2022Champion Class:V1 CAC,CACIB,BOS,Mrs.Kim Ramey LeblancRianka became Hungarian Champion
CAC Outdoor Zeeland, The NetherlandsJudge Dhr. W. Hochstenbach* Dutch JCH Angelusparks II Khal Drogo, property: Yvette des Vries: Excellent in Open Class
IDS DOGSHOW KV RIJNLAND, 27 March 2022* Dutch JCH Angelusparks II Khal Drogo, property: Yvette des Vries: 3rd Excellent in Open Class
SSRK Mjölby 220313, Sweden
* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: Excellent Open ClassBeautiful whole nice proportions ok head with good skull and muzzle well-set ears good neck and back well-groomed tail fine forehead well-balanced chest and okay angles front and back move harmoniously front and back a little sloppy front good fur quality nice temperament Nicely presented
Exposição nacional da Arruda dos Vinhos, judge: Saija Juutilainen (FI)
* GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19 “Magic”: BOB* PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 : 1ex Open Class, RCAC
* GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19 “Magic”: BOB* PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 : 1ex Open Class, RCAC

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Prova do Campeonato Nacional de Agility 2021/2022
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters : Terceiro classificado, grau 1, standard
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters : Terceiro classificado, grau 1, standard