B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:
Nitradog, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th DecemberFour international exhibitions in Nitra4 X V1 CAC
NVP VÁNOČKA Brno, 2nd of DecemberJudge: H. IronB & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:
- V1 CAC Champion Class
Regional Halloween All Breeds Exhibition, Kelč-Provodovice
29th of October
B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - Working class V1, Class Winner, Regional, Best in group 1 and second most beautiful adult female of the whole show
Regional exhibition "Dolní Benešov", 24th of SeptemberB & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - V1, class winner, regional winner. In the final competitions of all breeds that received the regional winner, Rianka was selected into the best eight.
Regional exhibition Zbraslav, 29th of AugustB & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - Class of Champions: V1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, Best in Group 3
Regional club exhibition Borovany, - Blueberry exhibition
12th of August
B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - Champion Class: V1, Class winner, Regional winner
Judge: Fr.Korda
Krakow, National Exhibition, Poland
8th of July
B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:
- Working class; V1 CAC, Best of Show and Best of Breed
Beautiful regional exhibition, Zbraslav in Brno
3rd of June
Judge: Renata CepkováB & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: - Class Champion: V1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, Best in Group 2
In her first show as a veteran… <3 she did it! How wonderful to be a part of such a wonderful podium! Thank you to both judges Rui Oliveira (PT) and David Allan (ES)!
33.ª E. C. Internacional de Elvas, Breed judge: Mr Rui OliveiraFlatcoated Retriever:•GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19, TAN “Magic”: 1st excellent Veteran class, Best of Breed, and 3rd Best Veteran of Show•PTCh Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story "Islay" TAN: 1st excellent Champion Class, CCC
Golden Retriever:•PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19, TAN: 1st excellent Open class, CAC, 2nd Best male, RCACIB (will become CACIB as the 1st is already CIE)
It was a lovely day, meeting friends and sharing good chats! A great experience for our Islay, not shown much, since the end of 2021… our covid puppy 😊 always very excited to see new dogs and people!
33.ª E. C. Internacional de Elvas, Breed judge: Mr Rui OliveiraFlatcoated Retriever:•GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19, TAN “Magic”: 1st excellent Veteran class, Best of Breed, and 3rd Best Veteran of Show•PTCh Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story "Islay" TAN: 1st excellent Champion Class, CCC
Golden Retriever:•PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19, TAN: 1st excellent Open class, CAC, 2nd Best male, RCACIB (will become CACIB as the 1st is already CIE)
It was a lovely day, meeting friends and sharing good chats! A great experience for our Islay, not shown much, since the end of 2021… our covid puppy 😊 always very excited to see new dogs and people!
Labrador Småland Inoff 230423 Moheda, Judging did Jan HerngrenAngelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam”, prop. Bosse Sandhal: Best of Breed
A 5-year-old male with excellent type size and proportions, well-cut head, excellent eyes, well placed, nice ears, excellent neck, well-laid shoulder, excellent angles front and back, marked fore chest, well-shaped chest, good legs, and paws, the topline should be slightly stronger, move tough with good step from side parallel rear stable front excellent coat well presented.
A 5-year-old male with excellent type size and proportions, well-cut head, excellent eyes, well placed, nice ears, excellent neck, well-laid shoulder, excellent angles front and back, marked fore chest, well-shaped chest, good legs, and paws, the topline should be slightly stronger, move tough with good step from side parallel rear stable front excellent coat well presented.
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters TAN "Jet", prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
29ª Prova Camp. Nac. Agility 20022/23Org.: Os Cãogurus, Local: Amadora, ata: 15ABR23Juiz: Jorge Pires: Class. Geral: 2º Lugar de 21
30ª Prova Camp. Nac. Agility 20022/23Org.: Os Cãogurus, Local: Amadora, Data: 16ABR23Juiz: Jorge Pires: Class. Geral: 2º Lugar de 18
30ª Prova Camp. Nac. Agility 20022/23Org.: Os Cãogurus, Local: Amadora, Data: 16ABR23Juiz: Jorge Pires: Class. Geral: 2º Lugar de 18
DOGS NZ FCI ALL BREEDS CACIB SHOW, Christchurch, New ZealandDates: Monday 10 April
* PPW19 NZCh Angelusparks V Making Magic to Arangold "Lisbon"prop. Margaret & David Hean: 1st Excellent Champion Class, Cacib, Best of Breed, and 2nd Best Open of Group
* PPW19 NZCh Angelusparks V Making Magic to Arangold "Lisbon"prop. Margaret & David Hean: 1st Excellent Champion Class, Cacib, Best of Breed, and 2nd Best Open of Group
CAC Outdoor Zeeland, The NetherlandsJudge Andrew BeareNJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven", prop. Yvette de Vries: 3rd Excellent Open Class
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters TAN "Jet", prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes
28° Prova Campeonato Nac. Agility 22/24Orv.: Clube DreamDogsJuiz: Jorge Pires
7° Classificado em Jumping de 19Pista limpa (EXC 0) em 35,20 seg.1 ponto de ascensão de grau

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4th National Dog Show of Cartaxo* “Magic” (GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19, TAN) did us proud by winning the champion class and Best of Breed, under the judge Mrs. Rita Kadike-Skadina (LV). She ends in this lovely way her shows in Champion Class as in a week she will be 8 years old, and she will be shown proudly in veteran class! <3
* Our handsome Lux (PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19, TAN) was RCAC, under Judge- Luis Catalan (PT).
* Our handsome Lux (PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19, TAN) was RCAC, under Judge- Luis Catalan (PT).
Yesterday some of the Angelusparks members participated in the Gundog Natural Aptitude Test, organized by the RCP, all passing. It was a fun morning spent doing what they love and it's natural to them• PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 - TAN• PTCh Angelusparks IV Bel's Jewel BPW, JE16, GBRJCH, PTJCH, PJW17 "Jewel" – TAN• GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19 “Magic” - TAN• PTCh Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story "Islay" - TAN
• Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters “JET” - TANWe want to give a special thanks to Fernando and Ilana Nunes for being by our side and saying yes to our challenges since our very first litter, and their very first puppy from us ( Yara). Now with Jet they have achieved lovely placings in Agility and now he is proving his natural gundog skills too!
National all-breeds dog shows, Valga, Estonia
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Lithuanian Veteran Ch Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest " Helmi", owners: Nina Koshiaho & Catharina Rantanen, Finland
Sat 25.2.2023, judge Ricky Lochs-Romans, Netherlands- Vet Exc1 CQ Vet-sert and BOB veteran
Sun 26.2.2023, judge Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, Spain- Vet Exc2 CQ
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Lithuanian Veteran Ch Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest " Helmi", owners: Nina Koshiaho & Catharina Rantanen, Finland
Sat 25.2.2023, judge Ricky Lochs-Romans, Netherlands- Vet Exc1 CQ Vet-sert and BOB veteran
Sun 26.2.2023, judge Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, Spain- Vet Exc2 CQ
Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet", prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:

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Prova: 21ª prova do Camp. Nacional 2022/23 – 25FEV22Org.: Clube DreamDogsJuiz: Belmiro Sousa4º Classificado em Jumping de 17Pista limpa (EXC 0) em 32,33 seg.1 Ponto de ascensão de grau

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Prova: 22ª prova do Camp. Nacional 2022/23 – 26FEV22Org.: Clube DreamDogsJuiz: Belmiro Sousa2º Classificado em Agility de 21Pista limpa (EXC 0) em 51,27 seg.1 Ponto de ascensão de grau
CACIB Katowice, judge: Renata Cepkova (CZ):
B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: 1ex Working class, CAC
Handled by Katy Bielena
B & HCH, ROCH, HCH, CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: 1ex Working class, CAC
Handled by Katy Bielena
Exposição Nacional da Arruda dos Vinhos, judge: Suncica Lazic (RS)
* GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19 “Magic”: 1ex. Champion Class, Best of Breed
* PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 : 2nd ex. Open Class, RCAC
* GICH & PTCH, CIE, GrandChampion Castlerock Good Luck Charm to Fenwood GIBW, PTJCh, LJW16, PW17, LW17, BOB17 & 18, LW18, LW19 “Magic”: 1ex. Champion Class, Best of Breed
* PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 : 2nd ex. Open Class, RCAC
* Angelusparks VI Nothing Else Matters "Jet", prop. Ilana & Fernando Nunes:
3a Prova Joker 22/23, Data: 14JAN23Local: AbrantesOrg.: Clube Cinofilo do Alentejo
Class.: 3° lugar geral Grau 2 largeJuíz: José Luis Garcia Alvarez (ESP)
3a Prova Joker 22/23, Data: 14JAN23Local: AbrantesOrg.: Clube Cinofilo do Alentejo
Class.: 3° lugar geral Grau 2 largeJuíz: José Luis Garcia Alvarez (ESP)

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