* HSCH, SKJCH, HJCH, HMPGW Angelusparks II Like an Angel "Tina" prop. Zsuzsanna & Jozsfene Hazafi:European Club Trophy 29.12.2021 Budapest, Hungary, Judge: Jose Doval:
- 1st Excellent Champion Class, CAC & CACBudapest 28-12-2021 Grand Prix Winner, Judge: Rafael Malo Alcrudo:
-1st Excellent Champion Class & CACWe are both ( and mummy Bliss too) so very proud!!!!! Many congratulations! I loved to watch her in the videos, such an attitude and movement! Always smiling!
27.ª E.C. Nacional de Santarém, judge: Luis Peixoto (PT)
- "Islay" Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story : CAC and now Portuguese Champion
- "Islay" Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story : CAC and now Portuguese Champion
Labrador Smålands inoff in Moheda, judge: Geir Ove Andersen
* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: 1Ex Open Class and Best Male of Breed
* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: 1Ex Open Class and Best Male of Breed
57th IDS Eurodogshow 2021, Judge Liam Moran
* Dutch JCH Angelusparks II Khal Drogo, property: Yvette des Vries: 4th Excellent in Open Class
* Dutch JCH Angelusparks II Khal Drogo, property: Yvette des Vries: 4th Excellent in Open Class
Latin Winner 2021, Judge: Alessandro Zeppi (IT)CAC Winner 2021, Judge: Rafael Espigares (ES)
* Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story "Islay": CAC, CAC-QC & 2x RACIB
* Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story "Islay": CAC, CAC-QC & 2x RACIB
Komarom International Dog Show, Judge: Judit Beke* HSCH, SKJCH, HJCH, HMPGW Angelusparks II Like an Angel "Tina" prop. Zsuzsanna & Jozsefne Hazafi: CAC champion Class, RCACIB
Kotka's Ruusu - dog show, judge: Perttu Ståhlberg
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest " Helmi", CACs, BOB winner, owners: Nina Koshiaho & Catharina Rantanen: BOS Veteran
* EstCh, RuCh, LatviaCh Angelusparks Hugs & Kisses to Fairquest " Helmi", CACs, BOB winner, owners: Nina Koshiaho & Catharina Rantanen: BOS Veteran
First show in one year for these two, but they did very well and loved all the cuddles from everyone visiting!20.ª Exposição Canina Nacional de Aveiro:Golden Retriever judge: Arne Foss (NO)* PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19: RCAC
Flatcoated Retriever judge: Luís Gorjão Henriques (PT)* Angelusparks VI Never Ending Story: 1ex Intermediary class, CAC and BOB
Duodanube Bratislava 3 xCACIB:* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová:
20.8.2021- judge Beke Judith, Champion Class.: V1 Cac, Res Cacib21.8. 2021- judge Felszéghy Eva, Champion Class.: V1 Cac, Cacib22.8. 2021- judge Matyáš Jaroslav, Champion Class: V1 Cac, Res Cacib
Now Rianka has achieved another tittle, GrandChampion of Slovakia
20.8.2021- judge Beke Judith, Champion Class.: V1 Cac, Res Cacib21.8. 2021- judge Felszéghy Eva, Champion Class.: V1 Cac, Cacib22.8. 2021- judge Matyáš Jaroslav, Champion Class: V1 Cac, Res Cacib
Now Rianka has achieved another tittle, GrandChampion of Slovakia
LPW Angelusparks Elsa's Caelan de Fenwood "Apple" Studbook Number1st of January 2009 – 20th of August 2021
After a complicated night, our sweet “Apple” fell asleep in our arms this morning.She was telling for a few weeks her bones were getting a bit too heavy for her, but until yesterday she kept her smile and her playful self.So many words, so many thoughts come to our head, so special she was.But all we want to do is thank her dearly for choosing our home, choosing us to be her breeders. She was our first baby from our Elsa and she will always be remembered by her kind, sweet and playful ways. She loved life ❤Enjoy your wings, my dear, until we meet again.
After a complicated night, our sweet “Apple” fell asleep in our arms this morning.She was telling for a few weeks her bones were getting a bit too heavy for her, but until yesterday she kept her smile and her playful self.So many words, so many thoughts come to our head, so special she was.But all we want to do is thank her dearly for choosing our home, choosing us to be her breeders. She was our first baby from our Elsa and she will always be remembered by her kind, sweet and playful ways. She loved life ❤Enjoy your wings, my dear, until we meet again.
210815 DKK INT Dog Show Bornholm Denmark Day 2Judge: Hans Almgren Sweden* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: Excl 2, Open Class, ÖKL CK
DKK INT DOG SHOW Day 1, Bornholm Denmark.Judge Roxana Lilliana Opris DenmarkAngelusparks V Mindblowing. "Sam" prop. Bosse Sandahl Excellent Place 2 CK Open Class
DKK INT DOG SHOW Day 1, Bornholm Denmark.Judge Roxana Lilliana Opris DenmarkAngelusparks V Mindblowing. "Sam" prop. Bosse Sandahl Excellent Place 2 CK Open Class
DUO CACIB Brno judge: Ing. Jozef Jurza:
* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1cac (champion class), Res Cacib
* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1cac (champion class), Res Cacib
Pinkstershow 8-8-'21:
* NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven" prop. Yvette des Vries : 2nd Excellent Open Class
* NJK Angelusparks II Khal Drogo "Raven" prop. Yvette des Vries : 2nd Excellent Open Class
Taregional Dog Show in Náměšti na Hané, Judge: Kristina Vaníčková:
* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová::V1, champion class winner, regional winner, BOS
* CZCH, SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová::V1, champion class winner, regional winner, BOS

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* SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1, Cac, Res Cacib... This fulfilled the conditions of awarding the Czech Champion
* SKCH, SKPJCh, HJCH, PLJCh Angelusparks V Mon Amour "Rianka" prop. Hana Kalinová: V1, Cac, Res Cacib... This fulfilled the conditions of awarding the Czech Champion
* RKFCH, JCH RUS, JCH BLR Angelusparks V Made In Heaven "Connor", prop. Natalia and Vladislav Mulyar is now: International Champion!!
* Angelusparks V Mindblowing ”Sam” prop. Bosse Sandahl: He has completed BPH at Södra Älvsborgs Kennelklubb with shots x2, with high scores in all aspects, Descriptor Petra Lundberg
* IntCh U-Ch Angelusparks Explorador, Owners Nanci Hannover
Southern California Golden Retriever Club specialty: Best 10-12 veteran, Best Opposite Sex Veteran
Southern California Golden Retriever Club specialty: Best 10-12 veteran, Best Opposite Sex Veteran
* RKFCH, JCH RUS, JCH BLR Angelusparks V Made In Heaven "Connor", prop. Natalia and Vladislav Mulyar: 2 x BOB, R. BIG, BIG and...
BEST IN SHOW at the All-Russian exhibitions in Ryazan (11/4/21)
Judges: Ольга Teslenko, Elena Hindullina, Lyudmila Mazina
Judges: Ольга Teslenko, Elena Hindullina, Lyudmila Mazina
* NZCh Angelusparks IV Making Magic to Arangold "Lisbon" PPW19 , prop. Margaret & David Hean:
- Reserve Best Gundog (Gundog 2)
At the South Canterbury Championship Show (11/4/21)
* RKFCH, JCH RUS, JCH BLR Angelusparks V Made In Heaven "Connor", prop. Natalia and Vladislav Mulyar enjoy the company of his baby "brother" Igor. They are so sweet together
PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks Legend Continues " Baby"
Six years ago today, Magic was born and she really brought magic into our life Happy birthday crasy girl, and here's to more 6 years by our side ( at least )
Mother & Daughter ... Magic and Islay
When our "babies" become our "old ladies": Apple at 12, Bliss at 10, and Hannah at 8 years old. Three girls from our Elsa from her three litters. Always smiling and still very cheeky ( as we love!)
Our Jewel enjoying a lovely sunny afternoon ( PTCh Angelusparks IV Bel's Jewel BPW, JE16, GBRJCH, PTJCH, PJW17)
The brothers Lux and Baby. The two that taught us that when we say NO they smile and wag their tails hehehehehe
( PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 & PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks Legend Continues " Baby")
( PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks II Luxurious "Lux" PJW19 & PTJCH, JE18 Angelusparks Legend Continues " Baby")
* Angelusparks II Let our Love Shine "Diego" prop. Hennie & Renee Broos:Proud owners are so very proud of him, above all for his amazing character!!!!!
Last year in 2020, beautiful results and beautiful Rosettes may be received in 2021 from Virtual shows.
1. Best in Show, Virtual Championship Show2. Reserve Best in Show, Grand Final Virtual Championship Show3. Reserve Best in Show, Christmas Championship Show. GGP & More
1. Best in Show, Virtual Championship Show2. Reserve Best in Show, Grand Final Virtual Championship Show3. Reserve Best in Show, Christmas Championship Show. GGP & More
New Zealand under Gundog specialist Betty Hansen:
- PPW 2019 NZ Ch Angelusparks V Making Magic to Arangold prop. Margaret & David Hean:
Best of Breed, Reserve Best in Group and Intermediate of Group;